What do daydreamers dream? How does maladaptive daydreaming influence their real life? What does a performer feel when he/she is talking about a foreign daydream? A quick interview about „Wild Minds“ on the FIND-Festival with the director and a performer.
„You can be what you want. It`s a way to escape the real world“ („Wild Minds“)
Orginally, „Wild Minds“ was a piece for a museum, but when I expierenced the piece at the Berliner Schaubühne. It was nearly like a daydream. To dive deeper into the world of excessive daydreamers, I talked with the director Marcus Lindeen.
Sandra Carpenter, who works as an editor in real life speaks about her experience with performing in Marcus Lindeens piece „Wild Minds“. She hears the voice of the daydreaming woman in her head and starts to tell her stories to the audience. How does it feel to perform a daydreamer and is she also daydreaming?
Further Information
FIND – Festival Internationale Neue Dramatik (New Drama Festival) takes place at Schaubühne/Lehniner Platz until april17th. Here, you find some articles about the FIND-Festival.