It`s art, not porn!

Banning naked people on Facebook. #rpTEN: It`s art, not porn!. Banning naked people on Facebook. Copyright: Kulturschoxx/ Susanne Gietl

Banning naked people on Facebook is not always about porn. Experimental artist Addie Wagenknecht and free-expression activist Jillian York talked at the re:publica about Nudes and NooDZ.

„It`s certainly hard to draw lines, but right now Facebook
is drawing lines in the most conservative point!“ (Jillian York)

Imagine Sandro Botticellis “Birth of Venus” in a social network. You can see the nipple of one breast, so it`s porn for Facebook? Jilian York talks with me about censors of art, her own experience as a banned user and tries to find solutions.



Addie Wagenknecht and Jiliian York at re:publica #rpTEN


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Banning naked people on Facebook

Finding solutions is not the easiest thing to do. If you talk about age restriction, then you have to ask every Facebook user for his ID. Maybe we could fight for guidelines, which includes the culture of the country we live in, but one country doesn`t have one culture. So Facebook chose not to think about solutions, but to blog every nude. What would you suggest?