Atomic feeling

Atom Feeling: Quantum is science on stage. Tanz im August: Giles Jobin: Quantum. Copyright: Gregory Batardon

Why should a choreographer join scientists? Gilles Jobin took part in the Collide@CERN Artists Residency Programme. I practised how to be an atom with him and a guy from the audience explained the piece to me. Listen, watch and be astonished.

Normally, you don`t have to be an expert in physics to understand dance. When you watch Gilles Jobins „Quantum“, it helps. But even though I didn`t understand it all, it was a pleasure to see people drifting apart and rejoining, moving in a very symetric way and dissappearing in the darkness on stage. Before I watched the piece I visited a physical introduction and had a short talk with the choreographer afterwards.



If you wanna watch the piece now, then I recommend you to skip to minute 6:28. You will be surprised which processes you will discover and which you won`t, because after you watched this, you should pay attention to Ivan Capriles, who is passionate about subatomic physics. He really read the piece like a science book.


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Now it`s time for Ivan Capriles to talk about the different parts of the piece and what really happens on stage. Is it a piece for scientists? Our talk took place at Tanz im August, where Gilles Jobin showed „Quantum“ on the 21rst and 22nd of August to the audience in Berlin. Gilles Jobin also offered a physical introduction in the piece. „Quantum“ premiered in CERN at 23rd of September 2013.